࿔・゚ೃ࿐ ࿔
i am not a sin

victim of Atelophobia

( epigraph ! )

don't touch me,
don't hurt me,
i don't wanna die.
i'm a wilted flower in disguise.
one wrong move and it will kill me.

( summary ! )

DURING THE YEAR 2018, christmas develgne learned that the best option when it came to the subject of her parents was to stay out of range of conversation and chaos. now in her second year, the petite orphan would say she was doing a pretty swell job so far. that is, until she just so happen to run into a tall boy with a mischievous glint in his eye that could only mean one thing, absolute torture

( cast ! )

Kyla Matthews as Christmas Develgne

❝Never let the boys know when they’ve upset you,
Never let them know when you like them, either!

( playlist ! )

Pompeii - Bastille
TRNDSTTR - Black Coast
Secret - The Pierces
ocean eyes - billie eilish
MAYDAY - TheFatRat feat. Laura Brehm
No Tears Left To Cry - Ariana Grande
feel it still - portugal the man
believer - imagine dragons

( character ! )

christmas develgne

Name- Christmas Circe Develgne
Age- 12
Gender- Female
Sexuality- Heteromantic
Birthday- June 15th, 2005
Race- British/French
Deity- Christian God
Handedness- Right-handed
Personality- Shy, Noble, Intelligent, Sweet, Kind, Quiet
Mannerisms- Biting her nails, Fidgeting, Blushing, Fixing her hair
Likes- Quiet noises, Libraries, Poetry, Books, Reading, Flowers, Locks, The sky
Dislikes- Loud Noises, Large gatherings of people, Parties, Pranks

hogwarts information

❝Perhaps this, a gnarled larch wand. The length is just shy of nine and one-quarter inches long. It has a core of dragon claw.❞
Hogwarts House- Gryffindor
Blood Status- Pureblood, Wizard/Veela
Boggart- A pool, but it is not just any pool, of course. To her, the pool is full of books, and next to the pile of books is her parents, screaming and sobbing, begging her to look at them.
Pets- She is currently taking care of a lively bunny whom is called Sunset.


Christmas was the only child of the Develgne family. Christmas also grew up with a loving family. They lived in a lovely house, with a surplus of glamorous furniture and decorations. However, one day Belle and James Develgne traveled to an exotic island and fell ill to a disease to terrible to mention. They died a week later and their associate had to come home to five-year-old Christmas and tell her that mother and father dearest had died. Christmas began to talk less, since she had no one to talk to. She had been moved to her Aunt's penthouse on the lively streets of London, and her Aunt did not wait very long at all to teach her a surplus about magic. Christmas hastily developed an interest in magic and was very pleased with herself when she received her Hogwarts letter. However, her aunt was not surprised at all since her father was a Pure-blood wizard and her mother was half Veela.

When Christmas attended Hogwarts, she was very anxious to find that she was sorted into Gryffindor, the house of the lion. It was the house of nobility and bravery, both things that Christmas did not consider herself being.

Shortly before the start of her second year, Christmas' aunt made the mistake of letting her travel to Diagon Alley alone. She was just making it out of Flourish and Blotts, when a heavy shriek filled the happy chatter. Curiosity got the best of Christmas, and she was the only one that it did. It was as if no one else heard it. But as she peeked into a dark and cramped alley, she saw a boy. He looked about sixteen, he was tall, and he was very choatic looking.

He laughed again, slower this time, it was as if he was trying to sink it in the her flesh. "Run away, little girl, and don't come back. Oh, and just wait until till' you grow old enough for Hogsmeade, I'll be there. I go to Hogwarts too."

( seeking ! )


( Made with Carrd )